News — Alternative Medicine

Why use a Himalayan Salt Nightlight?

Alternative Medicine Duffusing essential oils Essential Oils Himalayan Salt Himalayan Salt Lamps Himalayan Salt Nightlights Meditation Yoga

Why use a Himalayan Salt Nightlight?
A wise woman once told me that every home needs a nightlight; she said you  need it for safety and for decoration, it is essential. I miss my Granny; she was a very sweet soul, but with all the choices out there to choose from, why not chose a natural resource that offers so much more to your home than safety and decoration. A Himalayan Salt nightlight is natural and offers an abundance of benefits to your home, emotional health, physical health and they are pretty pink!

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Wonderful Scents Black Label Essential Oil Gift Box Set

100% pure essential oil Alternative Medicine Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Duffusing essential oils Energy Essential Oil Essential Oil Diffuser Essential Oil Gift Set Essential Oils focus blend frankincense oil Gift ideas Lavender Essential Oil Lemon essential oil Natural Peppermint Peppermint Essential Oil Recipes Relaxation Blend Stress relief Thyme Essential Oil

Wonderful Scents Black Label Essential Oil Gift Box Set

I wanted to share some great ideas diffusing the oils in the Certain essential oils work better together, and I have found that Lavender and Frankincense are the most versatile in this set for combining with other oils.


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Patchouli the Forgotten Essential Oil

Alternative Medicine Duffusing essential oils Essential Oil Essential Oils Lavender Essential Oil Mint Patchouli Sage Soy Candles Wood Wicks

Patchouli the Forgotten Essential Oil

Often the unsung hero of essential oils here in the US, Patchouli oil has long been used in traditional Asian medicine. Patchouli is used to treat skin and hair problems (dermatitis, eczema, acne, dry chapped skin, dandruff, oily scalp, and is known to have wound healing and scar reducing properties). Patchouli’s link to sexual desire likely originated from India, where it is used in Tantric sexual practices.

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The Essential Must Have on Hand Essential Oil: Eucalyptus

Alternative Medicine Essential Oils Eucalyptus Health

The Essential Must Have on Hand Essential Oil:  Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus Oil is one of the most widely tested antimicrobial oils around. It’s also a great home remedy for nose and chest congestion. Eucalyptus oils contains cineole, a terpenoid oxide, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant properties that helps to treat nasal congestion, cough and sore throat in addition to sinusitis.

So basically, Inhaling steam from a few drops of eucalyptus oil is just the trick to get rid of sinus pain. 

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Top 5 Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps In Your Home

Alternative Medicine Himalayan Pink Salt Himalayan Salt Himalayan Salt Crystal Himalayan Salt Lamp Himalayan Tea Lamp Holder Natural

Top 5 Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps In Your Home

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Salt Lamps are basically a large Salt Crystal that is lit with an incandescent light bulb, LED, or candle inside. The primary benefit to these Salt Crystals is the emitting of negative ions into the atmosphere (e.g. Room in your house). These negative ions bond with positive ions and neutralize them before they are inhaled into your respiratory system. So countering positive ions with negative ions produced by Himalayan Salt Crystals is a very good thing for the atmosphere within your home.

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